Donations 2011

KFCF continues to be grateful for all the support of families and corporations who wish to support those living with cancer in our local community.  The Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011 is a fundraising event to bring awareness and much needed funds to families who battle cancer on a daily bases.

**We want to give a special Thank You to all individuals and businesses that donated additionally to the 500 + Mileage Day that took place on February 14, 2011!**
(Their names will be listed below in *RED*.)


Individual Supporters ($2 +)
Ignatius & Sharon Theisen
Allen Kuhl & Family
Debbi & Kevin Dierkhising
Len Schmitz
Arnold & Shirley Kleinschmidt
Donald Kulzer
Margaret M. Smith Wenner
Herb & Kathy Thielen
Steven & Susan Larson
Donald & Doris Posch
Darlene Gruber
Mark & Shirley Pelz
James & Linda Nelson
Allan Kuhl
Debbi & Kevin Dierkhising
Ronald & Sandra Weeres
Larry & Janice Mathison
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Schlueter
Marti & Susan Swegle (In honor of Leslie Wilcox & In memory of Howard Swegle)
Derik Skogen
Don Walesewicz
Christine & Scott Maves
Gerold & Linda Trisko
Jim Ingeman

William Gysberg
Wayne & Adelaide Turkowski
Rich & Joyce Pirhonen
Gary & Monica Geihl
Randy & Lisa Buss
Florentine Roering
Michael & Amanda Stalboeger
Judy Beaulieu
Hildegard Ruegemer
*Patty Evens
*Greg Stang
*Manny Stang
*Steve & Grace Dingmann
*Arlene Mueller
*Chris Larson
*Karla Stang
*Marci Stang
*Ken & Lois Stang
*Jordan Stang
*Zachary Heinen
*Olivia Heinen
*Alex Heinen
*Tyler Ngeno
*Nicole Ngeno
*Sean Burhop
*Girl Scout Troop 683
*Girl Scout Troop 198
*Margee & Walt Keller
*Lori & Gary Wenner
*Janelle Epple-Peart
*Earl Guggenberger
*Sue & Mike Guggenberger
*Gary & Katherine Fletcher
*George Guggenberger
*James & Debra Schleper
*Herbert Jr & Bonnie Schraut
*Tom Rhoda
*Grant Schwieters
*John Kiess
*Tim Engle
*Mary Lou & Gerald Lenz
*Donald & Virginia Winter
*Mark & Anita Ficker
*Dave & Lori Schelske
*John & Frances Trueman
*Margaret Wenner Smith
*Daniel & Jean Brady
*Todd Olson
*Todd & Pamela Pavek
*Bob Vossen
*Dan Holthaus
*John Kuhl
*Diane Philabaum
*Butch Gertken
*Adolf Wilhelm
*Doug Ruegemer
*Karen Holtz
*Cyril Gertken
*Todd Menke
*Karen Lemke
*Ray & Shirley Rausch
*Randy Steil
*Douglas & Lora Eisenschenk
*Junior Hansgen
*Connie Walz
*Aaron Geise
*Heather Schlangen
*Brandon Sand
*John Zimmerman
*Jim J. Gertken
*Jesse Bizz
*Ralph Gertken
*Dennis Dingmannn
*Ron & Cindy Willenbring
Jason Poggi
Randy Towly
Mile Frerburger
Richard Wayburn
Gil Parrott, DDS
Bruce Brakke
Phil Kangas
Mark Winship
Clara Blout
Jerome Hemmesch
Stephen & Rebecca Bogie
Gary Koska
Ronald & Marlene Statz
Gerald & Theresa Gertken (In memory of Dave Gertken)
Charlie & Jean Mackedanz
Conrad & Diane Thomas (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Lisa & John Kin, Family (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Timothy & Nancy McIntyre, Family (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Richard & Barbara Trudgeon (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Scott & Norma (Brittney, Kari, Karla, & Brooke) Schultz
Charles & Alice Harrison
Dennis & Margaret Christensen (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Patricia & Kenneth Schalte (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Ken & Lisa Truscott (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Robert & Carol Wandel (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Evelyn Good (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Joseph & Carol Brown (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Ray & Shirley Rausch
Michael & Kristen Truscott (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Derek & Barbara George (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Elizabeth Dingmann
Beverly Dornbusch
Peter Elwood
John Stachler
Larry Masquelier (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Steven Mattson (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Laurie Store (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Diane Beauchamp (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Gregg Schroeder (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Ellen & Melvin Carlson (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Krista Rajala (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Sue Preiss (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Ronald & Susan Garrison (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Elroy & Rosella Theis

Silver Supporters ($100 +)
Scott & Mary Beth Theisen
John Rubis
Barbara Gregory
John Rubis
Michael & Susan Guggenberger
Larry Ellis
Sarah & Jerrod Reese
Duane Nicol
Toots & Jerry Terhaar
Gary Koska (In memory of my dad Vic Koska & a brother Al Koska)
Stephen Rothstein
Thomas & Jane Widmer
John Woessner
Brad & Marie Lee Rude
*Ron Kern
*Jean Kern
*Eileen Kern
*Lawrence & Lynae Kern
*Randy & Doreen Kern
*Jeffrey & Lori Evans
*Jerry & Toots Terharr
*Germain & Annette Petermeier (In memory of our sister Kathy.  We Miss You.)
*Jerome & Margaret Hirschfeld
*Thomas Eickhoff
*Ron Buerman
*Nick & Janet Keller
Gerald & Helen Orbeck
Rosemary & Thomas Nienaber
Dick Fezzey (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Michael & Christine Sabo (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Nick & Janet Keller (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
David & Jo Ann Holthaus
Neil & Melanie Braunberger
Christopher Lakkala (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Elda Basso (Australia)
Keith Anthony
Paul & Deborah Schmitt
Kenneth Johnson & Dennis Fraley (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)

Gold Supporters ($500 +)
James & Kathleen Egan

Platinum Supporters ($1,000 +)
Anonymous Donor


Corporate Supporters ($2 +)
Stearns Aggregates Inc
Tan’n Tone’n Fitness Center
Stearn Aggregates Inc.
Legion Post 455-Cold Spring
Hillside Restaurant
Richmond Barber/Beauty Shop
Tall Pines
*North Village Personal Tax
*Charles Allen Agency, Inc
*ATS (Anderson Trucking Service, Inc)
*Richmond Bowling Lanes
*Leo’s Auto Body
*St. Joe Gas & Bait
Krupp’s Resort (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
VAST (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)

Bronze Corporate Supporters ($100 +)
Northwoods Propane
Cold Spring Chiropractic Center
Farming Lions Club
Paynesville Lodge No.71
Benton County Snowmobile Club, Inc.
State Bank of Richmond
Pat’s Lakeside Advertising
Brinky’s Liquor Inc
Camp “1” (Dale & Catherine Sherfield)
Northwoods Propane
Midwest Machinery Company -John Deere
St. Martin Lions
Eden Valley Lumber Company
Richmond American Legion
Snow-Joes Club, Inc
General Nutrition Center
Roscoe Lions Club
Dombrovski Agency, Inc
*Paynesville Auto Value
*A & C Farm Service, Inc.
*A & C Yamaha
*Aitkin Chamber of Commerce
*Riverwood Healthcare Center
*Camp “1”  Dale & Catherine Sherfield
*Potter Investments
*BCS Of St. Cloud, Inc
*Bee Line Sports Center, Inc
Snow Track, LLC (In memory of Claudia McIntyre)
Steve Olmscheid Trucking, Inc.
White Thunder Riders Snowmobile Club
Stearns Electric Association Trust
Jeddeloh & Snyder, P.A.

Silver Corporate Supporters ($500 +)
*Life Guard Anesthesia Services Inc
*BDG Inc (Flexible Pipe Tool Company)
*Linn Dairy Farm Inc

Gold Corporate Supporters ($1,000 +)
*Cold Spring Granite Company

Platinum Corporate Supporters ($2,500 +)